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Clarksville Independent School District

Translation Policy

CISD Translation Policy


Clarksville I.S.D. Independent School District (ISD) recognizes the crucial role that parents, guardians and families play in the education of their children. Clarksville ISD encourages partnerships between the district administration, schools, and families in order to share the responsibility of educating our students.

To that end, this policy is created to ensure that English learners and parents who speak languages other than English are provided appropriate translation and interpreting services, to the extent practicable, so that families of diverse language backgrounds may fully participate in the education of their children. Clarksville ISD will ensure vital documents are written in an understandable and uniform format, and to the extent practicable, provided in a language parents can understand; and, upon request by  a parent who is an individual with a disability, provided in an alternative format accessible to that parent.


The District currently consists of parents who speak either Spanish or English. At this time there are no known languages spoken outside of English or Spanish. Should we become aware of parents who speak or read a language other than English may request translation and interpretation services for school-related communications at any time following the Procedures for Requesting Services listed below.


Interpretation and Translation

Oral interpretation is provided for families whose primary language is a non-written language, to the extent practicable, in order to provide language accessible information.

Written translation is provided of vital school documents in Spanish. Written translation will be provided for other requested languages as needed and requested to the extent practicable.

Online translation is available on the district website via a Google Translate tool which instantly translates websites to over 100 languages.

Procedures for Requesting Services

Interpretation and translation services listed above are available free of cost to all District staff and students who may request such services directly from the school.

Additionally, parents, staff, and students may access language services for school related purposes in any of the following ways:

  • Ask at the school or district office.
  • Ask a teacher.
  • Call Clarksville ISD Campus Safety and Support during regular district business hours at (903) 427- 3891
  • Email a request to Tammy Kuhlengel at