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Clarksville Independent School District

CISD Administration Home

Logo of Clarksville ISD featuring school colors and emblematic design representing the institution's identity.

Clarksville ISD Goals for 2020-2021

By 2021-2024, Clarksville I.S.D. will equal or exceed the Region 8 average for Economically Disadvantaged and African American scores in Math and Reading in the area of meets expectations

By 2021-2022, Clarksville I.S.D. will increase student participation on ACT/TSI testing from 65.4% to 100% and increase ACT performance from 17 to 20.

By 2021-2022, Clarksville I.S.D will meet or exceed Region VIII STAAR/EOC averages in all subject areas for all students for meets standard.

By December 2020 ensure that Clarksville ISD has a 1:1 technology status for all students and that teachers have been thoroughly trained on new device


Approved by CISD Board of Trustees on 9/15/2020