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Clarksville ISD Honors Board of Trustees

Posted Date: 01/31/2024

Clarksville ISD Honors Board of Trustees

Date: January 31, 2024

Subject: Heartfelt Thanks to School Board Trustees

Dear Clarksville ISD Board of Trustees,

As we navigate through the academic year, we wanted to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to each of you for your unwavering commitment and tireless efforts as School Board Trustees.

Your dedication to ensuring the success and well-being of our students is truly commendable. Your leadership and decision-making play a crucial role in shaping the educational landscape of our community, and for that, we are incredibly grateful.

Thank you for your countless hours of service, attending meetings, collaborating with educators, parents, and community members, and advocating for the best interests of our students. Your passion for education and your commitment to fostering an environment of growth and learning have not gone unnoticed.

It is evident that your work extends far beyond the confines of official meetings and responsibilities. Your genuine care for the students, parents, and educators within our district is palpable, and it makes a significant impact on the overall educational experience.

Once again, thank you for your selfless service, dedication, and passion for education. The positive changes you bring about in our school district will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on the lives of our students and the future of our community.


Wishing you continued success in all your endeavors.

Clarksville Independent School District

Clarksville Middle High Schoo

Cheatham Elementary School